On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 07:54:06PM +0000, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> The remaining parts of DEP5 are all related to licenses. I propose the
> following:
> * Add a mention of and link to SPDX to the "License specifications"
> chapter.


Have you in the end contacted Kate Stewart (coordinating SPDX
activities), with whom I put you in touch a while ago? If not, it's
probably the right moment to do that, once the current draft is online.

> * I don't think we need to do much extra work for SPDX compatibility at
> this time. I'd like to get DEP5 pushed out, and not wait for conversion
> tools or verification that such tools can be written. We can fix things
> later, if need be.

ACK. Also, we do not really need an implementation to move DEP-5 to
candidate and have people starting to actually use it. This applies to
DEP-5 itself, as well as to conversion tools to/from other formats.

> * The list of license short names looks fine to me. I have not
> compared the DEP5 list with SPDX or Fedora, or other projects,
> though. If someone notices incompatibilities, we should fix that.

Charles has now done that (thanks!). I'll comment on the list of
differences he has found in a separate mail. As a goal, I don't think
full license name compatibility should be a blocker, but we should try
to avoid having in our basic set of license names, names that have a
different meaning in SPDX. That would be unfortunate and difficult to
fix later on.

> Once there's rough consensus of this part of DEP5, I'll push out the
> changes we've made over the past months to the DEP svn repository, and
> after that we should start moving it info the debian-policy package,
> assuming [1] still applies. (After that, any further changes to the
> debian/control format should happen via debian-policy package
> maintainers.)

At this point in time, I believe it's urgent to publish the latest draft
we have or, at the very least, update the VCS pointer which is included
in the latest draft which is published on the web. I've the impression
quite some people don't know where to find the current text. FWIW, it is
on bzr at <http://bzr.debian.org/dep/dep5/trunk/>.
(Note: I do understand your goal of avoiding proliferation of different
versions of the text, but at this point in time the benefit of having
the current draft widely available IMHO overtake the risks.)

Thanks a lot for your amazing work on DEP-5,

Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
z...@{upsilon.cc,pps.jussieu.fr,debian.org} -<>- http://upsilon.cc/zack/
Quando anche i santi ti voltano le spalle, |  .  |. I've fans everywhere
ti resta John Fante -- V. Capossela .......| ..: |.......... -- C. Adams

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