On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 01:09:06PM +0100, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
> Hi!
> Am 30.01.2011 14:02, schrieb Alexander Reichle-Schmehl:
> > As some of you already know, we are planing a 'live commenting' of the
> > release process via Debian's identi.ca account [1].  What works for TV
> > shows surely also works for us ;)
> Many thanks for all the help so far.  We got quite some feedback with
> interesting numbers or request for some.  I forwarded already some of
> the requests to the corresponding teams, hopefully we will be able to
> provide some quite interesting numbers.  Many thanks so far for all the
> ideas and numbers (please keep on sending them, if you got an idea).
> However, "facts" are more than pure numbers, and what the miss en large
> are non numerical facts, more like anecdotes.


> One Example for such things would be, why there has never been an
> official "Debian GNU/Linux 1.0", or maybe that following the host naming
> scheme, our list-server is named liszt.debian.org (interesting and kind
> of funny).
> So, if you remember such - well, shall we say small anecdotes? - please
> tell us :)  If it's to long to be dented during the release, we might
> still use it for a new fortunes file :)

What about "famous" Debian quotes?
I'm quite new to DebianLand, but I've noted that various people have
signatures with other's DDs funny and/or smart sentences. 
We could collect some of them and dent with a special tag as... #debian-quotes
or some like that.


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