As an additional point, the recently delegated DebConf chairs are
looking for one or two people from outside those currently most
involved in DebConf organisation to help out if we can't get a
DebConf12 venue decision by consensus.  (We prefer consensus, but if
there's a need to break a tie, we'd like some advice from people with
more of an 'attendee' viewpoint.)

Here's the short-term job description:

Responsibilities: Read through the DebConf12 bids before Tuesday
evening, attend the meeting, be ready to voice your opinions to help
reach a decision, and ready if needed to cast a vote to help a final
decision.  (And, in the event that it's impossible to get a decision
on Tuesday for some good reason, attend a second meeting.)

Qualifications: It would be helpful if you have attended DebConf
previously, and if you hope to attend DebConf12 in 2012.

Ideal candidates would be willing to stay involved with DebConf12 to
some degree through its cycle.

If you're interested, please speak to one of us (moray/h01ger/gwolf)
on IRC or reply to this mail.

Sorry for the short notice,


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