(please CC me to answers as I'm not subscribed to -project)


This year, the Debian community in India is organizing four "Mini
DebConf" events[1]. This follows the success of 2010 Mini DebConf in
Pune (see [2] for a report by Shirish and [3] for some pictures).

The goal of these events is bringing the Debian community in India
more opoprtunities to meet up as well as encourage new contributions
from the IT community in India. These events have proven to be quite
important to the local community due to difficulties for Indian
contributors to attend the "general" yearly DebConf.

I have been invited by local organizers to attend the Mini DebConf
that is scheduled for October 28 and 29 in Mengaluru (also know as
"Mangalore", in the state of Karnataka, south-west of the country).

It's quite some years since I developed connections among the Debian
(and more generally FLOSS) community in India, particularly because of
the high interest, there, for localization and internationalization

I therefore plan to attend this Mini DebConf with the goal of giving a
few talks : 

"Introduction to Debian" (there should be some
     participants from the local colleges and IT academic institutions)
"How to contribute to Debian" (targeted at already knowledgeable
     people who might not have a clear idea and particularly aimed
     at making them discover the "new" ways to contribute such
     as DM, non-upload DDs, etc.)
"i18n in Debian" (aka "that very same bubulle talk with maps and

Depending on the schedule, I might also propose a workshop either on
Debian packaging (based on the interesting BOF/demo made by Gergely
Nagy at DebConf 11) or a specific real localization activity (maybe a
sprint for DDTP in the local language, namely Kannada).

Whatever the final schedule is, I will write a detailed report about
these activities, how they were received, etc.

In order to get better travel fares (and, admitedly, to do some
sightseeing as well!), I plan to leave around Oct 24 and come back on
Oct 31st. 

I need sponsoring for the travel, while I can manage to handle lodging
and other expenses on my own. Best prices for going there is flying
through Mumbai and then use a local low cost airline (Jet Airways or
Air India Express) between Mumbai and Mangalore.

I found very interesting bargain prices for Paris-Mumbai at 400EUR
(Lufthansa rules!). The cost for Mumbai-Mangalore is about
EUR150. Therefore, I would like to request for EUR550 sponsoring if
the community (and our respected leader) thinks this is worth it.

[1] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianIndia/MiniDebConf2011
[2] http://flossexperiences.wordpress.com/
[3] http://www.fosscommunity.in/photos/index.php/Minidebconfpune2011/day1


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