Philip Hands schrieb am Dienstag, den 17. Januar 2012:

> On Tue, 17 Jan 2012 09:37:24 +0100, Daniel Baumann 
> <> wrote:
> > On 01/17/2012 04:41 AM, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> > > the debian-live team [...] haven't been able to communicate it on the web 
> > > their
> > > long-term plans.
> > 
> > there are no long-term plans; debian-live just creates the combined live
> > and installer media of whatever debian does.
> Well, having recently tried to find an image that I might be able to
> recommend to someone new to Debian, and having quickly found the
> friendly looking front page, I was a bit surprised to be
> presented with this after a couple of clicks:
> which is not exactly helpful to a newbie -- also, even I am left
> wondering why there is a split between i386 and amd64 if the images
> below are supposed to be hybrid.
> Anyway, then I chose iso-hybrid, which seems like what I might be after,
> at which point we see that the only images that're small enough to
> actually fit onto a CD are the "rescue" and the "standard" ones, which
> appear not to include X, and so are hardly likely to be enticing to a
> newbie, so I gave her a copy of knoppix instead, which of course means
> that I have to say that what she's getting is very much like Debian,
> rather than saying that it _is_ Debian.
> I can understand that an automated build is unlikely to be able to
> generate something that's just as good as knoppix, since the latter has
> been tuned over a long period to exactly that purpose, and perhaps the
> restriction of wanting it to fit on a CD is less important than it used
> to be, but I think it's a bit of a shame that we're not currently
> producing a debian-live CD that shows things off reasonably well for a
> beginner, and linking to it prominently without an arcane sub-directory
> tree to navigate, as suggested by the OP.
JFTR we generate the whole grml with grml-live out of jenkins. 

Alexander Wirt, 
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