On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 08:42:28AM +1100, Ben Finney wrote:
> Francesca Ciceri <madame...@debian.org> writes:
> >   ** changes proposed for (1):
> >      - s/religions/religious belief or disbelief/ (dkg)
> It's foolish to commit to respect all opinions. Some opinions (some
> political or religious beliefs, for example) are not worthy of respect,
> and some are indeed destructive of a welcoming environment.
> We should respect a person's right to *hold* whatever opinions they
> like; but those opinions, when expressed, should get no assumed
> protection, not even in a diversity statement. If the opinion is unsound
> or hateful or otherwise unworthy of respect, it should get no protection
> in a public forum.

Yeah, I see your argument. And is a valid one, IMO. 
I think that Russ reply [1] to a similar concern express by Gregor
fits also your argument: we welcome people who are ok with the diversity
statement, so no hateful ideology/religion/whatever can be part of it, as
it doesn't comply with the diversity statement itself.

It's kinda like a short circuit: diversity statement accept everyone who
accept the diversity statement, and if your {opinion|ideology|religion}
doesn't comply with it you'll don't want - in the first place - to be
part of a project based on diversity.
It sound solid to me, but we can make it more explicit probably.

> We should not commit to respecting opinions, but instead commit to
> respecting all people.

How do you suggest to express it in the statement? 


[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2012/03/msg00058.html

"Nostra patria è il mondo intero
e nostra legge è la libertà
ed un pensiero
ribelle in cor ci sta."         P.Gori

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