Filipus Klutiero wrote:
>  5. A request/demand that people concerned with specific patent issues
>     do not share their concerns, except with the contact point mentioned
>     in 3.
> [...] 5. is, however, anti-transparency, and IMO against 
> our ethics. Such a position statement cannot be made prior to 
> discussion. Since it looks like this wasn't discussed yet, I am hereby 
> lauching a public discussion on 5. This is not a poll, but I'd like to 
> see the opinions of others on it. and whether it is unanimous or not.

As I wrote in
I think it was discussed, so the above claim is a bit off, but
a public discussion might be enlightening anyway.

Also, can the DPL really not just issue this position statement
as a "decision for whom noone else has responsibility"?  I'm
pretty sure the DPL procedure (such as it is) was followed: that
zack solicited views and made a decision he felt to be consistent
with the consensus.

Personally, I'm uncomfortable with point 5, but I think I'm living in
a country where legislation prohibits software patents and there isn't
a specific increase in punishment if you might have read emails form a
third party about a possible patent infringement (but I could be
wrong).  I think the request to focus patent topics on one contact
point is to protect less fortunate developers: there are some, aren't
there?  In the USA with its crazy anti-free-enterprise software patent

My Opinion Only: see
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