Jonas Smedegaard <> writes:

> Quoting Olivier Berger (2013-02-13 23:01:27)
>> > Oh, and I forgot that I had added to 
>> > a link (<link rel="meta" 
>> > type="application/rdf+xml" title="FOAF" ...) to my "Debian FOAF 
>> > profile" : <>
> In your personal foaf.ttl file you state that not you but your Debian 
> account is contributor to your packages.  That seems wrong to me.

Well... that's the way I've implemented the RDF spit by the PTS, so
far. For example (excerpt from

    doap:name "Debian cdbs packaging" ;
    doap:description "Maintenance of the cdbs source package in Debian" ;
    doap:homepage <> ;
    doap:homepage <> ;
    schema:contributor [
      a foaf:OnlineAccount ;
      foaf:accountName "Jonas Smedegaard" ;
    ] ;
    a admssw:SoftwareProject .

The OnlineAccount blank node being ready to be replaced by
<> any time soon.

Thus I'm able to distinguish those you upload as from those
as : 2 distinct OnlineAccount resources who may happen to
belong (foaf:account) to the same Person

Btw, I had just added that too to :
    a foaf:Person .

    a foaf:OnlineAccount .

My idea (already mentioned in the thread I think) is to distinguish
contributions made by the same person but under different hats, for
instance as an employee or a hobbyist.

This philosophic distinction between Person and OnlineAccount may be
nitpicking, but on the other hand, as Debian doesn't enforce the use of
a unique email for all of one person's contributions, I preferred to
model in such a way...
It could be collapsed but we may loose some information... I guess it
would make things easier for implementors to have less links to
explore... but there ain't much complains yet ;)

Thanks for your feedback.

Best regards,

Olivier BERGER - OpenPGP-Id: 2048R/5819D7E8
Ingenieur Recherche - Dept INF
Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, Evry (France)

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