On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 05:00:19PM +0100, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> TL;DR: we've been invited to participate into GNOME Outreach Program for
> Women and I'd like to accept the invitation. To maximize impact, though,
> we need mentors and topics to complement the current GSoC tasks.

OK, so, thanks everyone for the feedback thus far, in particular to
Karen and Marina for guidance and further thoughts on the synergies
between OPW and GSoC.

To go forward we now need (quickly!) a couple of things:

1) a coordinator for Debian participation into OPW
2) (optional) other internship topics to complement the GSoC idea list

Francesca has proposed something for (2), but is waiting for feedback
from the publicity/press team. Please follow up there if you're
interested in those topics and/or if you are willing to volunteer as
mentor for related topics.

We are stuck on (1).


Given how often we discuss how cool it would be to have more mentoring
activities in Debian---and in particular more of such activities aimed
at increasing women participation---I was hoping (and still am!) in some
more feedback and volunteering.

Is anyone up to volunteer as coordinator for Debian participation into
OPW? The task looks relatively easy: set up some nice landing page on
the Debian wiki, similar to the GNOME one, with a pointer to the GSoC
idea list and to a separate page where we will collect non-GSoC
internship topic. It could be specific to this round of OPW, but I think
it would be way more interesting to take this chance to actually have a
more long-lasting list of such projects. Additionally, the coordinator
will have to coordinate (sorry) with GSoC admins the applications at the
border between the two initiatives.

If noone else volunteers for that, I will *consider* doing it myself,
but I'd rather not --- mainly because the timeframe of this OPW round
coincides with the DPL change of guard and I'd rather devote my Debian
time to ensure a smooth transition than joining new activities.

So, if you're interested in kickstarting a very valuable mentoring
opportunity for Debian, please speak up, ... quickly :-), e.g. a couple
of days.

Thanks for considering.
Stefano Zacchiroli  . . . . . . .  z...@upsilon.cc . . . . o . . . o . o
Maître de conférences . . . . . http://upsilon.cc/zack . . . o . . . o o
Debian Project Leader . . . . . . @zack on identi.ca . . o o o . . . o .
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