Sune Vuorela wrote:
On 2013-04-06, Filipus Klutiero<>  wrote:
>  It's not a /good/ way in absolute terms, but it's pretty much the only
>  way for now, so I guess it's currently the best way (see
>  ).

My experience with contacting owner@bugs, listmaster, wikiadmins and
other people to get abusers banned or in getting them to voice in has
been only good.

But of course, since my interactions mostly have been to getting a
certain french-canadian with a irc nick that might rhyme with 'healer',
there is quite a chance that that you can have had different

It's really too bad that this experience is private, then. Had it been public, its interest here wouldn't be nullified by a certain barely intelligible Danish's untrustworthiness.
Oh well - just another example of transparency's relevance, I suppose.

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