
OPW; the result of the experiment:

Background: Debian participated for the first time in Outreach Program
for Women [0]. We decided that this round would be an "experiment" to
see how it works.

Projects: We had the same coding projects than GSoC, we only had coding
projects, since there was too little time to prepare non-coding
projects. I want to thank Debian GSoC admins for helping in coordinating

Applicants: We had 4 applicants (3 gsoc/opw applicants and 1 only-opw
applicants). 1 of these 4 applicants was accepted, but she received a
slot in GSoC, so the OPW internship was not "used".

Future: OPW is run every 6 months and we should decide how Debian will
continue to participate. 

What is needed to continue:
* Sponsors to pay internships.
* More coordinating efforts: in this round we have taken advantage that
GSoC was running as well, but if we participate in Jan-Apr round, we
can't rely on GSoC efforts to bring in applicants and mentors.
* Projects and mentors for the next round
* Advertising opportunities to get the information out to interested
women students and those starting in technology.

So, what do you think? Should we continue with OPW? Are there more

Those interested are more than welcome to join #debian-opw. :)


[0] http://wiki.debian.org/OutreachProgramForWomen

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