On Sat, Mar 01, 2014 at 12:53 +0100, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> On 13501 March 1977, Neil McGovern wrote:
> /msg chanserv access #debian-WHATEVERCHANNEL @debian-chanop CHANOP
> /msg chanserv access #debian-WHATEVERCHANNEL @debian-master MASTER
>   -> Add the group to the access list of the channel

These two should probably be (missing "add"):

/msg chanserv access #debian-WHATEVERCHANNEL add @debian-chanop CHANOP
/msg chanserv access #debian-WHATEVERCHANNEL add @debian-master MASTER

It would be great if channel masters of our various #debian-* channels could
think about wether they want to add one or both of these groups.

I, as an operator in #debian and other channels, am also in favour of this
ban, but it would be very much appreciated if we see some additional input
from outside the "IRC circle".
Wolodja <deb...@babilen5.org>

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