On Tue, Mar 04, 2014 at 10:19:44PM +0100, Jakub Wilk wrote:
> Somewhere in another universe, someone noticed that many developers
> have assigned country code “UK” in LDAP:
> $ ldapsearch -x c=uk | grep -c ^uid:
> 114
> But, RFC 4519, §2.2 reads: “The 'c' ('countryName' in X.500)
> attribute type contains a two-letter ISO 3166 [ISO3166] country
> code.”
> The two-letter ISO 3166 country code for United Kingdom of Great
> Britain and Northern Ireland is, somewhat confusingly, “GB”, not
> “UK”.

Given the disconnect between the userdir-ldap-cgi permitted values (GB) and the
LDAP actual values (UK) and given the RFC specification for 'c', I intend to
mass update 'c=uk' to 'c=gb' in LDAP, shortly.

Complaints are best directed to the IETF and the ISO.  For your protesting
convenience, the IETF are currently meeting in London UK^WGB.

Luca Filipozzi

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