On Thu, Sep 04 2014, Christian Kastner wrote:

> On 2014-09-04 01:34, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 03 2014, Steve Langasek wrote:
>>> On Wed, Sep 03, 2014 at 09:52:44AM -0700, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>>>>         People associated with the FSF or those who feel i sympathy with
>>>>  them feel offended, I find it somewhat disappointing that we care so
>>>>  little about people being offensive, given the progress we have made.
>>> This thread is not about whether we care about people being offensive
>>> (which, btw, is terribly subjective).  This thread is about whether the CoC
>>> should be used to enforce people *not* being offensive.
>>> And that is a very slippery slope with no bottom in sight.
>>         Then we should strip language out of the CoC about being
>>  respectful to people and making attendees feel welcome,  to avoid
>>  giving a false impression that those things are actually important and
>>  shall be enforced.
> This hyperbole is not productive; neither is the hyperbole on the other
> side of this discussion (mostly when this thread started).

        Err. It is not meant to be hyperbole. But nice try being
 dismissive. Kudos.

 The CoC talks about:
 *) All attendees are expected to treat all people and facilities with
    respect and help create a welcoming environment.
 *) We ask all our members, speakers, volunteers, attendees and guests
    to adopt these principles.
 *) Sometimes this means we need to work harder to ensure we're creating
    an environment of trust and respect where all who come to participate
    feel comfortable and included.
 *) Respect yourself, and respect others. Be courteous to those around
 *) We ask everyone to be aware that we will not tolerate intimidation,
    harassment, or any abusive, discriminatory or derogatory behavior by
    anyone at any Debian event or in related online media.

        If we are not going to enforce these principles, for they are
 slippery slopes, we should indeed take them out of the CoC, so as to
 not misrepresent the nature of the experience people might have. It
 might make a difference to people as to what kind of CoC exosts (some
 scince fiction authors have stated on blogs that they shall not attent
 conferences without a CoC, so it is not unforseeable that people might
 make decisions based on the CoC. We should not have things in the CoC
 we have no intention of enforcing, slippery slope or otherwise.)

A man paints with his brains and not with his hands.
Manoj Srivastava <sriva...@debian.org> <http://www.debian.org/~srivasta/>  
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