* Mason Loring Bliss (ma...@blisses.org) wrote:
> It just strikes me that we can do better, and I'd like to see us do so. I
> value Debian as the most relevant vehicle for distributing and promoting free
> software in existence by a very wide margin. The community already values
> many important things and acts to do the right thing in most cases. One place
> where we fall down is in our application of force.

We used to simply allow this kind of language, which resulted in
numerous cases of individuals being uncomfortable working with the
Debian community and either refusing to participate on the lists or
leaving the project entirely, and a reputation was established that
Debian was not a friendly or open community.

We *are* doing better, from where I sit.  It's unfortunate that someone
was surprised that we're actually serious about these policies- but
that's hardly justification to not have those policies or to relax them.

> PS: I saw "we" here, but I have no formal relationship with the project. I
> speak as an interested long-time Debian user and free software advocate.

We certainly appreciate your interest in this topic and concrete
suggestions for changes are welcome from any party, though you will need
to find DDs who agree to put forward a GR to have the policy changed.

If the issue is that the individual banned would like to participate
again on the lists then I believe there is a process which can be
followed to reinstate them.  Having not been in that situation, I'm not
aware of what it is, but I'd suggest the individual follow up with
listmaster@ for further information.  I do expect it would involve, in
part, agreeing to following the CoC and not using inappropriate
language.  If that's not acceptable then I don't know that there's much
else to discuss at this point in time.

My 2c as a random (not terribly involved :/) DD.



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