On Monday 08 September 2014 08:47 AM, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Hi, Praveen and Shirish (and Indian Debian Users),
> Well, a DebConf is about Debian, and I mostly agree with Steve's
> answer: Not just any Linux conference should be called a DebConf or
> MiniDebConf. There has to be a Debian "slant" to the conference as a whole.

The slant here is that it is organized by the debian community, with the
intention of getting more participation in debian. The contention here
is giving the local community a chance to share their free software
contribution on this platform.

> In my opinion, it would be very good for you to hold a MiniDebConf
> with the clear goals of attracting people to Debian, getting them
> involved, getting more to become involved. Either technically or
> socially.
> But then again, I'm just one more random DD :) Talk among yourselves,
> talk with our DPL (Lucas Nussbaum), talk with the DebConf Chairs
> (Moray Allan, Tássia Camões, Martín Ferrari), and... Get the ball
> rolling :)

Thanks for your comments. But it seems some random DDs are more equal
than other random DDs.

It has already brought an active free software community in touch with
debian (they have joined debian lists to organize the event). But
keeping debconf brand pure seems to be of higher priority for some.

It beyond me how "minidebconfs have been like this always" has a higher
value than "how do we bring more contributors to debian". It seems we
are allowed only to follow the same patterns and formula that has been
tried before. Any efforts to deviate would be strongly opposed.

That is also fine with me, if that is codified as an official policy.
I'm also fine about creating a new "brand" which will have a clear
definition "it is an event to seek more contributions to debian by
reaching out to more people and it is organized by debian in
collaboration with a local free software community. We will share our
experience with debian and will listen to their work on free software."

I propose we call it Debian Utsav(am) (it is festival in many Indian
languages). "Free Software festival by Debian".

Having a general free software conference and having a debian track
doesn't reflect this tilt correctly. I don't see, "no one ever done this
before" or "it is silly because all debconfs have been this way", is a
valid justification to stopping us from trying this under debconf.

I am surprised fedora community is more open in this respect, I had
given a talk on diaspora at fudcon 2011, which was organized in Pune.
[1] You can see many free software talks not directly related to fedora
there [2]. Now if the argument is, we have always done debconf this way
and any change in content would be opposed tooth and nail, I rest my case.

I can clearly see the benefit to fedora in such a format and I believe
debian would also benefit from such a format.

The point of me bringing the discussion to -project is to have an
official policy on the issue, so we don't have to evaluate which random
DD is more equal.

I also would like to hear from the DPL and DebConf chairs on this issue.
A clear indication on this would help us make the correct choices soon
as the event date is coming very close (October 17th).

[2] http://fudcon.in/program/fudcon_schedule

My choices in the order of preference,

1. Redefine mini debconf to allow free software talks if the local
organizers chooses so.
2. Create a new even like debian utsavam which will define the content
as a collaboration of debian with a local free software community.
3. Organize a general foss conference and have a debian track.

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