On 06/10/14 at 13:33 +0200, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi,
> On Montag, 6. Oktober 2014, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> > > Both 2008 and 2011 are more than a year ago, so I don't see any
> > > justification for making this change and would like to see it reverted.
> /me too
> > Also, I don't think that 3 months is unreasonable. My employer applies a
> > two-week soft deadline, and a one month hard deadline for travel
> > reimbursements.
> or have it raised to 6 months. 3 month is really not that long, esp for those 
> who are too being busy due to jobs or whatever. (While within a job one can 
> do 
> these request on job-time, so a shorter interval is more reasonable here.)
> Also we don't want to punish those we want to support :)

Sure. But should we punish our Trusted Organizations with reimbursement
requests that take several months?

It takes 15 to 30 minutes to gather receipts, scan/snail-mail them, and
request reimbursement via email. If for good reasons, you are
temporarily so busy that it's not possible for you to find those 30
minutes in 3 months, I can accept that, and will not blindly reject
reimbursement requests (especially if you send an email to inform that
you will be late before the 3 months deadline). But on the other hand, I
would like to set the expectation that reimbursement requests should
generally be sent in less than 3 months, which seems to me like a
totally reasonable deadline in the general case.


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