also sprach Lucas Nussbaum <> [2015-03-16 09:45 +0100]:
> Obviously I'm not in a position to make long term commitments as
> the DPL. I'd welcome "crazy ideas" in that area, at least in
> a brainstorming phase. Maybe you could start by working on a list
> of possible benefits, and then discuss with the DPL and the
> project which ones we are willing to give to sponsors?

Okay, so then let's assume we identify perk Foo; now there are three
possible scenarios:

  a) "you know best, do as you see fit" — okay, forget that… ;)
  b) "nice perk, but I think this should not be Silver but Gold and
  c) "no way we will offer this" from n people, "good idea" from
     m people

I can only dream of (a), and (b) would be really useful feedback.
But what do we do in the case of (c)? Scratch it for lack of
consensus? Push it anyway? What if it's hugely successful with our
sponsors and doesn't change the project really, once people have
come to accept it? What if it's a big failure and we won't do it

I am asking all these questions now because such sponsorship
brochure is a lot of work. I don't think any small team among us
will be able to just get it right, and being able to obtain feedback
from the community will be extremely useful.

At the same time, however, I'd hate to create all this work (which
does involve speaking with sponsors at some point), only to find
that the efforts will get stalled because the Debian community can't
agree to place this in the hands of a few and ride along.

The DebConf15 brochure had some perks at some time that caused
vicious debates, and while we removed the contentious ones, I think
that the only reason we managed to actually get this brochure out
was due to time pressure and just pushing things, which may have
alienated some people.

In the context of Debian partners, we do not have this time pressure
and we don't have the ability to drive this to completion, unless
delegated. Obviously, nobody would be interested to go against the
majority, but knowing that there won't be consensus on everything,
one still needs to be able to make a move with the support of the

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
only by counting could humans demonstrate
their independence of computers.
            -- douglas adams, "the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy"

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