On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 10:56:12AM +0200, Dominik George wrote:
> Hi,o
> On 16.06.2015 05:00, Sam Hartman wrote:
> >>>>>> "Dominik" == Dominik George <n...@naturalnet.de> writes:
> > 
> >     Dominik> On 08.06.2015 20:46, Florian Weimer wrote:
> >     >> Google services are quite popular among the FLOSS crowd at large.
> >     >> You might not see many Gmail posters on Debian mailing lists, but
> >     >> this is increasingly an anomaly.
> > 
> >     Dominik> Which is, at best, a serious illness.
> > 
> > I'm really frustrated reading this.  I'd like to share my frustration in
> > hopes of seeking understanding and confirmation that we share the core
> > value of working with a diverse set of contributors.
> Sure.
> > 
> > I hope Debian is a community that
> > can respect a diverse set of needs and beliefs.
> Yes and no.
> AFAIAC, and in reference to the term „serious illness“ I used, I think
> of it in the following way:
>  a) NEEDS
>  ========
>  If our contributors NEED features that only Google, or the like, can
>  provide, then the serious illness lies in that we, the FOSS community,
>  obvioulsy failed to provide something comparable or even better.
>  b) BELIEF
>  =========
>  If any Debian contributor BELIEVES that the use of Google, and the
>  like, is a good thing, then the illness lies in the divergence between
>  their contribution and their values, and in that case, I honestly do
>  NOT respect that and consider it harmful.

The problem with your reasoning is that the OP is clearly not a Debian

Yes, we can and should expect Debian contributors to uphold our
standards, but we need to show some empathy to newcomers to our
community, because the entire rest of the world is telling them that
using centralized and proprietary services is OK. After they interact
with us for a while, they _will_ inevitably be exposed to thoughts on
why it is not OK.

If we begin their interaction with the project by telling them to go
away because they are using Google, then we already lost them.

Antonio Terceiro <terce...@debian.org>

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