On Wed, 02 Dec 2015 09:27:36 +0100
Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.pro> wrote:

> On 01/12/15 15:17, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> > On Tue, 01 Dec 2015, Ian Jackson wrote:
> >> Could Debian as a project sign up ?  Conservancy is a 503(c), like
> >> SPI, so perhaps we in Debian could commit a modest regular funding
> >> stream to Conservancy.
> > 
> > +1
> > 
> > We have troubles finding good use of our money. This one should not
> > cause any problem to anyone.
> > 
> Keeping some money in savings is a good use for money, even if it
> doesn't seem like it.  Having a little bit more than needed in reserve
> is always better than having a little bit less than needed.  If reserves
> were too low then there would be extra stress for people whenever making
> decisions about money and at some point that becomes counter-productive.


Also, having such an attitude to money might discourage people from

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