
On Tue, 12 Apr 2016, Christian Rohmann wrote:
> It does wonderful things (http://mirrorbrain.org/features/):

Nice to see some much support but I would like to point out that not
everything is perfect either...

>  * Load-Balance by GeoIP / AS matching (traffic stays very local)

That's clearly the main selling point.

>  * Intensive checks (even via rsync) regarding mirror consistency

That's good too but the downside is that the mirrors must
offer rsync service, either public or at least for the mirror redirector.
It's not possible to use a mirror that cannot be scanned via rsync.

>  ** It can serve things down to the file level to a mirror that
> still/already has a certain file

The "still" is wrong. It's actually an annoying bug that needs to be
fixed for our usage... Kali wants to sponsor this bugfix but the
upstream developer is currently busy with other stuff so it has not
happened yet.


Which also shows another downside: this is really a one-person
project currently (not different from httpredir though, and
this one has the advantage of being more generic so can and already serves
more projects in the free software world).

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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