Following is an email that I sent to Tomas Matejicek (SLAX) just minutes ago. 
After that I clicked “blog” on their site. Please read the following. There is 
a very big donation here.
Thank you for slax. I'm an old ex-computer engineer and I used some Linux 
distributions occasionally and the experience was always frustrating and very 
disappointing and proved that I am on the right side among those who discovered 
that we are on the very wrong track and moving in the very painful and 
expensive opposite direction even when it comes to freeware, contribution-ware, 
donation-ware ...etc. Among the Linux distros that I used was slax since the 
days when the philosophy of slackware was that it should be unable to handle 
other languages. Your new site lists only packages for specific languages, 
including one called "English", and (of course) they all have nearly the same 
size. I speak Arabic and I picked the Arabic package to discover after 
installation that it is indeed bi-lingual as much as anyone expects but the 
other language beside English is Pakistan's language !!!. It is not Arabic at 
all. I discovered that changing the language-related setting in all Linux 
distros is now a trivial task and this forced me to write to you to thank you 
first for the small size of your distro download unlike other distros that are 
growing in number and download size like cancer. Changing the language in slax 
did not download anything compared with the unbelievable amount of packages 
that Ubuntu-live downloaded (without permission) when I did the same, and most 
of them were the exact applications included in their very big distro but (I 
guess) they are "Arabized" which is a very ancient and totally forgotten word 
and the surprising total download size can be compared to the size of downloads 
that Debian-live needed to add gedit to cfx. After the download I discovered 
that kate is "excellent" in comparison. I need to point out that Arabic is a 
language not just a bunch of characters, so contextualization is an intrinsic 
part of this language. I did not have problems at all with contextualization in 
slax, while both Debian-live and Ubuntu-live terminals were unable to 
contextualize at all and I had to download a different terminal application. I 
believe that contextualization should be part of what is called "The Arabic 
Language" in all distros, i.e. no one should mention the word "Arabic" without 
contextualization. That's why I believe that It should be dealt with once and 
for all and should be in the core of the OS not to be repeated in each and 
every application within the limitations of their knowledge and abilities. I 
felt very sorry when I tried, (just one more time !!! over the long years !!!) 
to accomplish what should have been a very trivial task at a very early point 
in time. This time it was "multi-boot". I know more than many others that I am 
in Egypt, but the amount of time that was wasted to search for the so many 
dangerous pieces of junk (the "Google" way) and the higher-than-usual number 
that I was able to find and the time and extra pressure over my nervous system 
while trying to even just have one Linux distro in place the right way was very 
high this time. Only memories of what was called "Focus" are more painful. 
Finally, I managed to succeed using an older version of Yumi. For slax it was 
really disappointing to have everything almost "perfect" compared to others 
then facing the same old problem that I had with the old releases yeaaaars ago, 
namely "CPU#x not responding". Again I stress that I am in Egypt and I know the 
kind of machines that we get here. We don't even get just the defective, only 
what is MUCH WORSE. But the same machines ran other Linux distros and Windows 
with other problems. 
I want to make a donation. I am very poor when it comes to money, but I have an 
idea that is worth toooo much. It is a real "donation" which means that it is 
absolutely "free" but it is conditional and totally restricted to the full and 
absolute compliance with the pre-conditions. The condition presented first. I 
am jobless since the day I was graduated in the early 80's, and I was fired one 
way or another from the many places where I tried (hard) to do something 
useful, that's why I was "burned" to a lower level than others in this 
holocaust. The pre-condition for the donation is that it can only be used in 
the exact opposite direction. I want to set the fire off, not to pour more 
fuel. When it comes to Linux, no doubt that there have been good intentions all 
the time, but we can all compare the current situation, or even what we had ten 
to fifteen years ago with the amount of efforts wasted. I could not see 
anything new in Linux when I tried to use it after all those years. Where did 
all the efforts go ?!!!. To make the picture clearer, let me tell you that the 
reason why I tried to use Linux this time was that the historical stupidity and 
criminal silliness' named "windows console" is still unable to even just 
display Arabic characters !!!, although those miserable, and many others, were 
able to do that even with DOS on XT's. So it is not a surprise that one of my 
suns is wasting his life at a university that is telling the soooo many in this 
generation as well that they will learn computers, and some companies run after 
them telling them about "training" to suck money out of them too. Linux 
downloads became GIGA-Bytes and they are all almost the same. I know (enough) 
about the differences between this library and that one, and consequently this 
desktop from that one, and consequently this set of applications from that one 
...etc. I know "enough" about that as much I knew "enough" about the different 
versions of "UNIX" itself, and the "parallel" efforts and the "integration" 
efforts to produce S5R4 for example. I want to donate Linux "S5R As four". 
"Asfour" is my family name. It is not meant to be an insult. I am a real 
inventor to an extent that many are not aware of. I am subject to many criminal 
acts not just threats, theft and robbery ...etc and this is my way to 
retaliate. I believe that the real differences between "different" Linux 
distros are little, and that the major part of Linux and its applications is 
common. So, for example, if I had a way to (even just) compose what I wanted at 
the firt place from among (even just) what is available, I would have saved a 
lot of time, effort and misery on my side, together with lots of efforts on the 
side of the those (so many) who are still making those (countless number of) 
distros, as if they are trying to set a higher record over those who are still 
making more BASIC versions !!! the same way !!! all those years !!!. The Idea 
is not just that. It is easy to have a site where everyone can go, answer some 
(or many) very straightforward simple questions, and end up with a very 
reasonable size of "perfect" download. The idea goes further. Many linux distro 
makers mention low memory and CPU requirements, and many of them mention high 
performance on older machines ...etc, although they can simply plot 
1) The real growth in Linux requirements, against 
2) The real growth in the real needs on Linux consumers side, against 
3) Anything they added in the direction of satisfying the real needs over the 
very long long years. 
So, the idea is for the developers and consumers to sit (ON THE SAME SIDE) and 
try to see the real needs first and before anything else. That was one of my 
inventions and I used an example in car industry but the donation is only for 
Linux (and some of his applications)  if and only if they are among the 
really-totally-free-of-any-charge software. The consumer should be able to 
express his needs. The site should vey strictly stick to only the ethical ways 
to help the consumer to discover them. A multi-level questionnaire is a very 
good start. For example, the consumer should be able to see the relation 
between what he has (discover the different configurations of his old machines 
for example), what he wants (discover the different "modes", "profiles"...etc 
of his activities that need computers), what is available (see the set of apps 
that are suitable for each "mode" and really try them before downloading 
anything), and discover the whole picture (the "wealth" of applications that 
were developed in exactly the wrong opposite direction and were just piled over 
the years). I believe that after a (relatively) very short period, the word 
"multi-boot" (as well) will vanish although by that time everyone will get 
exactly what he wants on every machine and for every "mode", no matter if he 
downloads a "unified" distro to carry on a USB stick in order to boot in a 
different "mode" each time, or downloads few very "sharp" distros each of them 
making a machine extremely happy. I believe that in a (relatively) very short 
time we will be able to alter many parts of the software (Linux and the 
applications) to take advantage of this mechanism, up to the extent that we can 
gather the requests from the consumers' side this way and (really) deliver the 
early fruits after a month or two after we (as well) will be able to see a 
broader part of the picture (the real overall demand, and consequently the 
priorities of each software modification) and divide and restructure the code 
accordingly. Later, (but very soon as well), we can deliver re-engineered 
supreme products. The idea is very "Big" so please don't consider it personal 
for any one or any group or any company ...etc. On the contrary, please make 
everyone happy by spreading it. You can do that better than many others. But 
repeat my pre-conditions as well. This is in order to go in the opposite 
direction, so before anyone can use the donation we all have to sit and talk. 
Those who are still manufacturing more and more of such stupid 
mentally-retarded machines and those who are still burning more and more of the 
very precious human brains in useless development in the opposite direction 
should be stopped. Anyone that will commit anymore of these crimes must be 
severely punished for the sake of all of us on both sides. The agreements must 
be in place and must by respected first, then we can all talk about what to do 
with "old machines" and "old software"...etc. By the way. I have Ideas for the 
future that can make much more money than any more such mentally-retarded 
stupid and silly crimes against humanity.
I really appreciate everyone’s efforts and really thank you for slax.

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