Hi all,

As recently discussed, Chris Lamb and I had a really positive
impression[1] of the work Open Labs[2] is doing in Tirana.

They are now involved in organizing[3] another event at the end of the
summer, FOSScamp in Syros, Greece.  I forwarded the full email on

Looking beyond the promise of sun and beach, FOSScamp is also just a few
weeks ahead of the Outreachy selection deadline so anybody who wants to
meet potential candidates in person may find this event helpful.

They have existing relationships with several other free software
communities but they have expressed a sincere and well motivated
interest in getting to know Debian as well.

If anybody wants to discuss the possibilities for Debian involvement in
the event then the best place to do that may be on the Open Labs forum



1. https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2017/05/msg00124.html
2. https://www.openlabs.cc
3. https://forum.openlabs.cc/t/fosscamp-2017-syros-greece/459
4. https://lists.debian.org/debian-events-eu/

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