
Le 20/07/2017 à 13:52, Ian Jackson a écrit :
> MENGUAL Jean-Philippe writes ("Re: Request for official help"):
>> Any vendor then has threee solutions:
>> 1. Getting from Debian an official letter (see attached template) to
>> say: a) we don't want any seller to send Debian without an EAN on a
>> marketplace; b) we will not get our own EANs in the next two
>> years. Such letter enable vendor to request for an EAN exemption
>> laid on it.
> This is odd.  Are you sure about this - or have you dropped a "not"
> somewhere ?

Yes, as confirmed by Russel. When you submit a produt, they want EAN or
EAN exemption number provided by them provided the trademark lets you
sell without EAN.

> If Debian did not want you to sell without an EAN then why would that
> mean you should get an EAN exemption allowing you to sell without an
> EAN ?

Because the automated system requires EAN and exemption requires to have
trademark registered or, for distributors, such a document from the
trademark owners.

> That seems backwards.
> Currently I don't think Debian has an opinion about EANs but it is not
> likely that Debian will issue a statement saying that we do not wish
> things sold without EANs.  After all, in fact, we are quite happy for
> people to sell Debian CDs etc and we want to encourage that - EAN or
> no EASure, that is why I suggest a nominative project, so that just Hypra 
> would be affected, and others do what they want. This approach introduces 
> flexibility.

> It is not part of our role to make statements supporting (or opposing)
> the EAN system.  OTOH we should do what we can to make it easy for
> people who want to use such a system wrt physical artefacts embodying
> or related to Debian.

Yes. Hence an individual proposal, a template, instead of a general
statement aginst EANs.

>> 2. Buying an EAN, but it does not worth to sell several things (eg
>> architecture, live, installers, etc).
> Why are EANs expensive ?  Is it that getting an EAN prefix is
> expensive ?  Are there not arrangements for subdelegation ?

Well it implies an annual subscription, administrative registrations,
etc. So it is a cost, but maybe it is the only solution: the seller
should get an EAN or just not sell on such marketplaces.

> Also, is it really the case that Amazon Marketplace requires
> everything sold to have an EAN ?  That seems quite unlikely.  There
> must be lots and lots of small manufacturing (not to say "craft")
> businesses who don't engage with this bureaucracy.

Unfortunately, it is. Either EAN, either exempted numbers, either
registered trademarks.

>> 3. Getting an EAN from Debian organization itself, eg. on
>> www.gs1.fr. Debian thus would pay for EANs for his releases, etc, and 
>> vendors would use them to sell Debian medias. But would be somewhat 
>> expensive and not sure it is useful and project-compliant.
> I don't think there should be a single EAN for multiple different
> physical manufacturing chains even if notionally-identical bits,
> particularly as Debian would have no way of verifying or controlling
> the content.  So this does not work.

Right but if Debian could subscribe to such service, it could freely
generate as EANs as needed for their releases, installers, liveDVDs. But
indeed, maybe it is not the easiest solution.


> Ian.

102, rue des poissonniers, 75018, Paris
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