On Sun, Oct 22, 2017 at 04:40:18PM -0400, Katy Tolsen wrote:
> Well that's interesting, but in all honesty, not to me. I have absolutely
> no interest what-so-ever in accessing users computers as a means of doing
> volunteer support. This system I am proposing is all about integrating
> Debian's support resources and providing users with a sort of Help and
> Support Center type frontend in Debian much like Microsoft has put in
> Windows since XP, where they can easily access support options at a glance.

I would like to point out that we cannot be compared to a commercial,
closed-source entity since most of the channels that are mis-taken by
our users as support channels (such as the -project and -devel mailing
lists) would be inaccessible to the public at Microsoft.

In Debian, those channels are open, which I see as a feature, even if
that means having to redirect the occasional mis-led user to the real
support channels.


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