Le 06/01/2018 à 15:07, Henry Chang a écrit :
> Thank you David,
> Also, the KDE 5 is more like Windows GUI, which is not
> satisfactory, especially the SDDM. The new SDDM listed all the users in the
> LOGIN  page, as in the Windows LOGIN. This reveals the information of all the
> users of the platform, which is a security issue. In the old KDM LOGIN, we can
> choose to key in username and password separately, which is more secured, from
> my personal view.

If your main concern happens to be the SDDM login, you may use alternative SDDM
themes that don’t display existing users.
Debian 9 ships with elarun and debian-elarun themes for example.
You may choose them from the System Settings / Startup and Shutdown section, or
by editing the /etc/sddm.conf file as administrator and changing / adding the
following section:


where $your_preferred_theme should match one present in /usr/share/sddm/themes.


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