MENGUAL Jean-Philippe writes ("Re: Debian trademark, EAN, proposed letter, SPI 
> Le 03/05/2018 à 13:30, Ian Jackson a écrit :
> > Martin Michlmayr writes ("Re: Debian trademark, EAN, proposed letter, SPI 
> > heads-up"):
> >>> Ian Jackson <> [2018-05-02 16:42]:
> >>>> I'll discuss with the SPI board.
> >>>
> >>> When should we expect to hear from you ?
> >>
> >> I'm not sure.  I had a deadline a few days ago and I'm just catching
> >> up on my TODO list.
> >>
> >> How urgent is this?
> > 
> > I don't know.  It has already been dragging on for a long time.
> As the topic has been opened on 2017, I would be glad to finish it this
> month if possible.

Martin, sorry to press you, but when should we expect to hear from
SPI, please ?  Or should we keep polling every few weeks ?


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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