Daniel Pocock wrote:
> Putting the evidence I've seen in a public list would be disrespectful
> and a breach of trust. Nonetheless, I confirm to the community that I
> have seen enough

Then you are being hypocritical by decrying the anti-harrassment team
for keeping reports confidential, and by not extending them the same
trust you expect others to grant you.

I would applaud the anti-harassment team for being as transparent as
they are while respecting the privacy of both reporters and of reported
people (who might manage to improve in the future). And beyond that, as
I understand it, those who are reported and have actions taken to limit
their damage are given plenty of information on the nature of the
offense. What they choose to do with that information is up to them.

Steve McIntyre wrote:
> Also: not wishing to pile on, but I also believe that you linking
> assassinations to the actions of the a-h team is downright toxic and
> you should apologise.

Daniel Pocock wrote:
> I regret that people are focusing on that comment and a-h alone.

That is not only not an apology, it's an attempt to shift blame onto

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