Outsider here.  Conflict around Norbert's mode of discourse and Ian's
mode of responding to it has clearly been an ongoing problem for
Debian for over five years:  https://lwn.net/Articles/575390/  What
tools for resolving this exist now that didn't exist then?  If the
answer is "nothing much", then, like, stop feeding the troll, mmmkay?

On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 9:43 AM Martin Steigerwald <mar...@lichtvoll.de> wrote:
> Thomas Lange - 09.01.19, 18:17:
> > > This reminded me about
> > > https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2018/12/msg00025.html
> >
> > For easier understanding, this is the post from Daniel with subject:
> >
> > "€ 500 cash bounty for information / Debian privacy breaches"
> Thanks for looking it up.
> I do not consider either of those helpful or ethically sound.
> For me it has something about denouncing people aka "please tell us how
> bad this person has been".
> I do not agree to collect such kind of information *after* a decision
> has been made and I do not agree collecting such kind of information via
> a public call, whether it is delivered together with a cash bounty or
> not.
> I just maintain mainly one package for Debian, but my motivation to even
> become just a Debian maintainer, an official one with maintainer rights,
> right now is next to zero. Cause a project where people start to
> publicly call out for evidence to denounce or expel people or keep them
> expelled or do any other kind of harm to them is no project I feel
> comfortable with.
> I think this kind of approach seriously harms the reputation of Debian
> as a project. I am thankful that so far no news site I am ware of seems
> to have picked this up and I hope it stays that way.
> Thanks,
> --
> Martin

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