On 15324 March 1977, npd...@zoho.com wrote:

I have gone through the link: (Exploring Cryptographic Software in
Debian's Main Archive)  https://www.debian.org/legal/cryptoinmain

I would like to clarify what I have understood: one is not allowed to
use Debian's main archive for commercial use (as it contains community
source) if one is downloading Debian from a US server.

I don't think thats the right takeaway from that.

In my case: I have downloaded a Debian iso cd file
(debian-9.8.0-amd64-xfce-CD-1.iso) from a Singapore server and I want
to use Debian on my laptop which will be used for commercial purpose,
am I allowed to do so?. (Please note I am just using Debian not
distributing/selling any of the Debian iso file or packages.)

You are fine to do so.

As long as you just "use the laptop with Debian on it" for doing your
business, there is no constraint at all attached. Have fun.

If your business happens to be one of selling Debian, a modified version
of it, or just parts from the software you find in Debian, then further
terms may apply, which you can find in the copyright files coming with
the software. Still, its usually not forbidden to use for commercial
use, but requires to fulfill certain points (like providing source,
patches, ... - depending on the exact involved licenses).

bye, Joerg

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