>>>>> "Holger" == Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> writes:
Moving this subthread to -project too.

    Holger> But there's one significant difference between LTS and dunc
    Holger> tank: dunc tank was ment as an initiative inside Debian,
    Holger> while LTS is carefully set up on both sides, in- and outside
    Holger> Debian, and the money part of it is *completly* handled
    Holger> outside Debian, and I very much like this and I consider
    Holger> this a main reason why LTS is accepted by the Debian
    Holger> community.

Is it true that dunc tank was an initiative inside Debian?
When I go back and read Joerg's mail to debian-devel-announce
summarizing the concerns with Dunc Tank, it sounds like it was outside
Debian possibly sharing some of the same people running it.

I was a member at that time, but honestly wasn't paying much attention
to that aspect of the project.

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