Dear Debian:

I'm seeking feedback on your interactions with the antiharassment team.
Ultimately I'd like to learn how well they are meeting the needs of the
project in helping to keep our community welcoming and safe.  

As discussed in my bits from the DPL, A group of us is meeting in late June and 
I'd appreciate comments by
June 20.  Comments received between June 20 and the start of Debconf in
mid July will still be useful, but not as valuable as comments received
by June 20.
I'd appreciate it if people would help spread the word and let people
know about this request for feedback.

Your specific comments will be kept confidential (although if you mail as requested, future DPLs will be able to read your
comments.; goes only to me) However I will summarize
and consolidate feedback and share both with the antiharassment team and
potentially with a broader audience like debian-private or

I'm interested both in feedback from people who approached the
antiharassment team and in feedback from people approached by the
antiharassment team or its members.

Please let me know generally when the contact happened, because the team
and its procedures have changed over the years.

I'd like to hear what went well.  What went poorly.

Were you a reporter, respondent or both?

Did the turn around time and frequency of contact meet your needs?

Did you feel respected during the process?  Did you feel that your input
was considered?

Were issues resolved to your satisfaction?

Did you feel that your interaction with the team helped keep Debian
welcoming and respectful?  If so, what contributed to that?  If not,
what could have been done better?

Thanks for your consideration and any input you'd like to share.

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