Dear Ian,

We are aware of your opinions, and your stance toward continental culture. And 
without doubt you showed this stance again in a very clear way. Thanks.

On July 3, 2019 9:54:44 PM GMT+09:00, Adrian Bunk <> wrote:
>On Wed, Jul 03, 2019 at 01:00:42PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:

>Was your longer reply to me intentionally only Cc'ed to 
>antiharassment/listmaster/leader, or could you forward
>it also to debian-project?
>There is nothing private involved, and if you want want action to
>be taken against me for my statements in this discussion then let's
>discuss this openly.

This is a common pattern in Ian's emails. I would dare to call it "sublimal 
threatening". Unfortunately nobody in Debian seems to think that this is 
harassment, in particular the AH team seems not to think so.


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