I'm on Windows 8.1 and the voice synthesis JAWS 16.
In the past, I worked on Unix (System V and Berkeley). I really liked Unix.
I liked GNU gcc, sed and Emacs as well as Vi. I appreciated the on-line documentation on the /man/ directory.
Unfortunately I became blind some years ago.
What I expect from Debian is a screen review and voice synthesis that would be integrated to the system as strongly as VoiceOver is integrated to iOS on an iPhone or an iPad. Besides going on Internet with a browser (like Firefox or Google Chrome) or sending e-Mails (like Thunderbird) or managing my folders and files, I want to program in some languages such as C, C++, Objective-C or Swift if it would be possible. I like Vim and Emacs. I know about EmacSpeak. I could be interested to write or modify Elisp scripts. I really don't like Windows editors because they introduce extra and alien characters in the text. I don't need character policy. I need a good file management that would tell me as an example, the folder that contains the greatest number of files or the biggest files. I wrote one on Unix but they lost the source code. I would like to have available informations about each file: creation date, last modification, last access to determine if the file is useful.
I would need two accounts, one as an administrator and one as a user.
These are the most evident needs that I can figure out.
Thanks for reading me.

Pierre Gaumond
Montréal | Montreal   (Qc) Canada
Envoyé de mon Intel I7 | Sent from my Intel I7

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