
I’m not sure if you accept guest articles, but if you do, I’ve got an idea
that I think would be a great fit for your site.

I’d like to write a piece that discusses the kind of web help small
businesses need to help take their venture to the next level. Many small
business owners don’t think they need or don’t think they can afford
professionals to help them with web-based projects, like website
development, while others simply don’t know where to find it.

The piece I’m pitching (which would be free) would discuss all of these
points and more in about 600 words, and I’ll include all of the sources I

If you think this would be a helpful addition to your site, I can get
started as soon as possible. I appreciate the opportunity, and I look
forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your time,


Chelsea Lamb

Businesspop.net <https://www.businesspop.net/> | chel...@businesspop.net

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