On September 12, 2019 5:30:24 PM UTC, Sam Hartman <hartm...@debian.org> wrote:
>I'm trying to move a thread from -devel.
>Ian Jackson responded [1] to part of a consensus discussion on Git
> recommendations.  I had said that I think we recommend against the use
>  of non-free services like Github but do not forbid their use.
>  Ian disagreed with this recommendation.
>I responded [2] noting that around 7% of the packages with a vcs-git in
>  unstable are hosted on Github.
>Ian said [3] that he was confident if we had a GR to forbid use of
>  like Github it would pass.
>He proposed the following text for such a GR.
>I think such a discussion is better on -project.
>  [1]:
>  [3]:
>  Subject: Free Software Needs Free Tools
>  No Debian contributor should be expected or encouraged, when working
>  to improve Debian, to use non-free tools.  This includes proprietary
>  web services.  We will ensure this, insofar as it is within Debian's
>  collective control.
>  For example, Vcs-Git fields in source packages must not refer to
>  proprietary git code management systems.  Non-Debian services are
>  acceptable here so long as they are principally Free Software.
>  We encourage all our upstreams to use Free/Libre tools.
>  We recognise that metadata in Debian which describes the behaviour
>  of those outside our community, for example fields which refer to
>  upstream source management systems, may (in order to be accurate)
>  still need to refer to proprietary systems.

It's based on a false premise.  No one is forced to use any VCS to maintain 
Debian packages.  If you don't want to talk to GitHub, send a patch to the BTS.

Scott K

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