
Missatge de Momme Winkelnkemper <m...@tuerck-ing.de> del dia dv., 24 de
gen. 2020 a les 9:52:

> On the front page of their homepage "ffis e.V." still claim to have 
> non-profit status ("ist als gemeinnützige Organisation anerkannt") and 
> explicitly states that donations to them are tax deductible ("Ihre Spenden 
> können Sie steuerlich geltend machen"). That is inacceptable, if the status 
> expired in 2017.

Indeed, I believe the website has not been updated in long time.

> How can we check that our donation has at least reached the debian project?

When was the donation made? We cannot currently check, someone from
ffis.de needs to do that, eventually they should update donation
records. I'll take time, but I let you know once we find out.

 Héctor Orón  -.. . -... .. .- -.   -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.

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