[This will be my last message on this thread.
I go away on vacation tomorrow.]

>>>>> "Didier" == Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <o...@debian.org> writes:

    Didier> The crux of my strong disagreement is here: as DPL, you just
    Didier> _framed_ the Montreal miniDebConf as a protest.

This is a case where perception is powerful too.
I perceived it as a protest.
Several others, including people involved in DC20 see it that way.

That in and of itself is a problem of perception.
Even that problem of perception is sufficient to negatively impact  the
people doing the work.
Even that problem of perception is worth solving.

I really hope that supporting our people doing the work at DC20 is
You and others think my particular proposed solution sucks.

I gave enough flexibility that another solution can be chosen.
(I also gave enough flexibility that people can choose to do nothing.
I think that people who do perceive a problem here will hear nothing a
certain way, but I explicitly left that option.)

Personally, I don't think simply a statement would be enough.
I would hear actual effort spent to constructively make things better
louder than any words.
Whether that's in the form of isolating Debian as I proposed or taking
some positive constructive steps to help out the people working on DC20
explicitly to say  we support you, or something we haven't thought of

Even if I got it wrong, we could choose to spend all this energy
supporting each other rather than fighting.

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