We all decided to take a break from the Debian mailing lists not to stir
up unnecessary flames. Sorry if we stayed silent for a while. So here's
a few things we wanted to make clear:

1. We don't have anything against the nice folks organising DC20 and we
wish them the best.

None of us ever had any ill thoughts regarding fellow volunteers
organising DebConf20. Many of us helped organise other DebConfs and we
are well aware hosting a DebConf requires a significant amount of energy
and passion. We value that *a lot*. Again: we wish DC20 organisers and
attendees a great conference and are looking forward to continue working
on Debian and related projects with you all.

2. Our conference is first and foremost about Debian and Free Software.

Solidarity with the Palestinian people and with those who feel unable to
attend DebConf20 due to various reasons has surely been a motivating
factor for organising this conference. We have absolutely no problem
stating that publicly. Yet, this conference is first and foremost about
Debian and Free Software. Therefore, while it's not unlikely we'll have
a session for those interested to discuss topics related to FOSS in
conflict zones, we'll mostly be working on squashing bugs and enjoying
talks on neat Debian/FOSS topics given by our peers (CfP to be sent

3. Coming to the conference doesn't mean you are pro-BDS.

There is also a plurality of viewpoints within the orga team about this
subject and that is definitely not an issue.

So, if you are still wondering why you might want to join miniDC
Montreal 2020, here are a few reasons:

* As usual, you want to work on improving Debian surrounded by fellow
developers and contributors.
* Montreal is close to where you live.
* Montreal is not that close, but you miss us!
* Montreal is a lovely city during the summer and you want to enjoy it.
* Montreal has a large craft beer selection and you'd like to
participate in the pub crawl pollo's organising (registrations not yet
* You really need a poutine fix and can't find squeaky cheese where you
* Raccoons, of course.
Finally, as stated in our announcement message, everyone who wants to
attend miniDebConf Montreal 2020 is welcome to do so (please register
[1]). As for all DebConf and Debian events, we'll be working hard on
making sure the DebConf Code of Conduct [2] and the Debian Code of
Conduct [3] are upheld by everyone participating.

Hope this helps clear the air,

[2] http://debconf.org/codeofconduct.shtml
[3] https://www.debian.org/code_of_conduct


the miniDebConf Montreal 2020 orga team

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