On Wed, Apr 08, 2020 at 08:50:00PM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:

> > There's another flow.  Contributors interact with DSA in some process I
> > do not fully understand to get guest accounts on porter boxes etc.
> https://dsa.debian.org/doc/guest-account/
> I'd like to see a proposal on how to avoid namespace clashes between
> guest and non-DD salsa accounts?

For guest accounts opened on request via nm.debian.org, the idea is
requesting an account name that is the same as the Salsa account name.
Any requirement mismatches can be fixed by renaming the Salsa account
name prior to LDAP account creation.

For guest accounts opened by DSA directly, it can be pretty much the
same: you can use the current Salsa account name of the person as the
username for the guest account.

In case later a person decides to rename their Salsa account after
having a corresponding one in LDAP, see 


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