On Thu, Apr 09, 2020 at 05:09:19AM -0500, Michael Lustfield wrote:

> It also appears that there is an intent to drop -guest naming. I haven't seen
> any technical discussion about this beyond learning about the current
> structure. I am very concerned that this will have significant consequences in
> regard to DSA-managed LDAP.

Are you concerned or do you have specific issues in mind?

Do you have actual issues that have not been addressed in
20200409072447.ci2xnvtnwv5as...@enricozini.org and
20200409181701.3qqsn5sqq3xbu...@enricozini.org ?

> Meanwhile, there are now five people with an interest in doing what we can to
> rectify the situation. It's unfortunate that we weren't aware of the stall a
> year ago, but we're here now, and I don't intend to work slowly. I'm confident
> you're aware of my "requirements gathering" phase. Design has been roughly
> discussed and I'm now taking a day to bury myself in documentation. Since I'm
> still playing the social distancing game, you can probably guess where my
> weekend priorities will be. :)

I don't know how many times I repeated that I have no intention of
standing in your way, I wish you great success, I look forward to having
a healthy and long-lived team that takes care of a great and official
Signle Sign On system in Debian. I *want* to be able to stop worrying
about this and focus on maintaining the services I need to maintain.

Could you please meanwhile not stand in the way of trying to fix the
status quo enough that I feel safe in keeping the services I maintain

I've been in a horrible situation for more than a year waiting
helplessly for this to happen, and I have a chance to get out of that
pit while not getting in your way. Can you give me a good, practical
reason why you seem want me to stop with that?


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