On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 01:02:53PM -0400, rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
> I sincerely apologize to anybody I offended.  See (or don't see) below.


> I sincerely apologize!  I never intended my comment to express any approval 
> of 
> Hitler or a comparison of systemd to Hitler.

Happens. It's just bad taste. Hope we all learn from it.

> I don't know if I can explain or if an explanation would help.  Without 
> really 
> thinking about the actions of Hitler, I was just trying to suggest that 
> bringing up an off-topic subject that provokes controversy (like systemd) 
> might 
> signal the end of useful conversation about a subject, something like 
> bringing 
> up a different off-topic subject (Hitler) has in the past signaled the end of 
> useful conversation on other subjects.

That would be Godwin's Law [1].

I think what we should learn from the whole systemd fiasco [2] is that it's
not worth insulting other people. Debate, yes, and by all means, passionate
debate. But open (and hidden) insults ain't it.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law
[2] by "fiasco" I don't mean systemd itself, but how the community at
   large handled the conflict

-- t

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