Hi Ross,
thank you very much for voicing this. I've been struggling with
myself to find the time and energy to reply and support Neal's
effort to make Discourse an option for Debian, and also support
Sam's concerns regarding the summary.

My lack of computer time lately plus the amount of negative
feedback raised against trying Discoure have been my main

Fortunately, Russ helped me reevaluate my decision and here
I am replying.

> On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 11:26:48AM -0400, Sam Hartman wrote:
> > I spoke up,  a couple people said I missed the mark.
> > If I had gotten the mark right, I have high confidence that
> > several more people would have chimed in at that point.
> > So, yeah, thanks for calling out that I appeared to be in
> > the rough on this one.
> Sorry for not speaking up, but I agreed with your concern.
> I thought the summary overemphasized cons and dismissed the
> pros.

Same here.

> I'm sending this in case this is a situation where only
> negative feedback is voiced.  I think Neil's experiment is a
> good idea and I'm perplexed by the strong reactions to merely
> testing out a tool.

Fully agreed.

I can't but wonder how many contributions are being silenced or
discarded for similar reasons.

> (who would've clicked 👍 instead of emailing, if we had the
> technology)



  ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁   Alex Muntada <al...@debian.org>
  ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋   Debian Developer 🍥 log.alexm.org

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