On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 7:51 PM Vincent Bernat wrote:

> Then, we need the SOF firmwares, currently not in Debian. I see
> you have #960788. I just got aware of it through #962134. I am happy to
> help you on this package and get it uploaded.

Unfortunately SOF firmware, while it has freely licensed source code,
is not (very) useful to package properly (reproducibly built from
source etc) for Debian. The issue is that many devices require the
firmware binaries to have an Intel signature on them, so even though
we have freely licensed source code, we do not have the four freedoms
since we cannot upload our own firmware binaries onto the audio
devices. So the best option here is for Intel to do the building and
signing and get them included in linux-firmware and then Debian pull
the latest version of that.

More details in the links on this page:


Mark, do you know if Lenovo devices require Intel signatures on the
audio firmware?



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