On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 1:37 PM Héctor Orón Martínez wrote:
> >          I'm Kamalakannan from Zoho Corporation Pvt Ltd. We build cloud 
> > apps and we have a plan to bundle our application in a laptop with debian 
> > OS and sell it to custmers with our product bundle over debian OS.
> > We want to know whether it is allowed as per debian's license or not. Is 
> > there any license we need to purchase to sell our product with debian OS 
> > installed laptops ?
>   You are allowed to freely distribute Debian at your convenience,

Please note that you must comply with the licenses of individual
packages from Debian that you distribute to customers, which mostly
means providing the Debian source code to your customers and not
linking anything proprietary with packages licensed under the GNU GPL
and related licenses.


Please also note that packages in Debian non-free may have more
restrictions on use and distribution.

Please also note the Debian trademark license:


> however, please consider a donation to the project:
>   https://www.debian.org/donations

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