Hi Debianites, Tobias from protontypes.eu asked that I forward this
message along. From what I understand, they want to make it easier to
fund individuals who work on free software.

He also confirmed that they're working on integrating their system with
GitLab, which needed some more work because it didn't have the "donate"
framework that GitHub uses.

If you have any questions, you can follow up here, I told them that they
can subscribe to the list to follow up.


On 2020/09/24 19:35, Tobias Augspurger wrote:
> We are a group of motivated developers that created a new concept for
> funding distribution in FOSS without launching another platform.
> LibreSelery is a AGPL licensed tool that allows you to create
> customized, transparent, independent, and automated funding of FOSS
> projects.
> After our launch 2 weeks ago we are looking for feedback and early
> adopts in the community.
> I have been using many Debian technologies and would like to show you
> how we distribute my donation of 1000€ on a Debian project that is
> mirrored on Github. 
> LibreSelery also allows you to include the contributors of your
> dependencies into the funding. They will receive an email from Coinbase
> with a "Thank You" note that you can define.
> This could help you to attract new developers.
> At the moment we are just supporting Github but Debian would be a
> perfect partner to start with Gitlab support. Early support for Gitlab
> would also help us keep the software architecture generic.
> Do you think LibreSelery could be interesting for Debian?
> https://github.com/protontypes/libreselery
> <https://github.com/protontypes/libreselery>
> Some background information on our project and organization.
> https://protontypes.eu/blog/2020/09/02/launch-of-protontypes/
> <https://protontypes.eu/blog/2020/09/02/launch-of-protontypes/>
> Kind regards
> Tobias

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