On Sat, 2020-12-19 at 13:55 +0000, George Suba wrote:
> Dear all,
> I did read somewhere on net about new site and since then (today) I 
> visited the debian.org site. I think I can help with it or at least I 
> could provide some valuable directions.
> ( I use bash, responsive frameworks like bootstrap, apache, pure html, 
> markdown and git )
> - Can someone point me to the right contact/s to web dev team please? 
> many thanks.

The mailing list for web development is debian-...@lists.debian.org .  The
site is coded in WML, the Website Meta Language, which is a static site
generator that's higher-level than raw HTML or SSI, but lower-level than,
say, Jekyll.  You can find the git sources at


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