Dear Federico and Davide,

On 4/19/21 4:16 PM, Davide Prina wrote:
> Hi Federico,
> I'm only a Debian user,
> On 18/04/21 15:41, Federico Pacini wrote:
>> I have just signed up to the forum but unfortunately I have not yet
>> received the confirmation email to confirm the registration.
>> I tried to request the confirmation email again but I still can't
>> receive it.
> I think it is best you write to (I found it
> on the forum).
> Else you can check the thread " - who's in charge?"[¹]
> on which some people has say they are the forum's admin.
> You can also subscribe to the user mailing list of your native language
> (if it is not English, for example debian-italian), or in debian-user
> that it is in English.
My apologies, I thought I responded to this earlier.

Davide, thanks for stepping up with some advice. :)

Federico, we sent a refresh of the email needed to confirm your
registration which should have reached you at this point. If not, there
is another method we can use to get your account approved.

As Davide mentioned it is easier to contact the admins* on the forum,
however the address you would want to use would be:

I am one of those admins, so best to use the above email rather than
this list.

Best regards,

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