On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 03:11:26PM +0500, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 08:00:05AM +0000, Hermann Ingjaldsson wrote:
> > I have developed a program that makes it easier to work in the terminal.
> > I have published it here:
> > https://openage.org/gg/
> To be honest I couldn't understand from this page what does this software
> actually do except for displaying the folder contents, for which you could
> just use a much more featureful file navigator like mc (or, if one likes
> toys and vim integration, run `vim .`).
> > Would Debian be interested in including GG in the Debian system?
> Debian cannot include it until it has a license (and a DFSG-free one).

That being said (I agree), there needs to be a Debian Developer or a
Debian Maintainer who would be willing to do the packaging, take care of
bug reports etc. Best method would be to file a wishlist RFP (Request
for Package) with the wnpp (Work Needing and Prospective Packages)
pseudopackage in our BTS.


P.S.: While I agree that this is an attempt of an Upstream to plug his
software, which I find legitimate, I would not call this a Spam mail.

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