Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Can we delete him from planet?

Why does this need to be brought to -project? There is a team
responsible for managing planet.d.o. If you have issues with Norbert's
posts, write to .

Jonathan Carter wrote:
> Any DD can do that... oh wait that includes me... done!

While technically any DD has the ability to remove somebody from
planet.d.o, it is my understanding that this isn't allowed.
"Any contributor may add, amend or remove *their own* blog entry from
Planet Debian."
That is, they may not remove other people's entries.

I actually believe it would be quite problematic if any single DD were
allowed to take actions on another contributor based on their own
judgment. That does include the DPL. §5.1.4 isn't applicable here,
because there is someone who has responsibility. And the DPL should be
more careful than others to respect the project's rules, not less.

I recommend that you revert your action and defer to the Planet
admins' judgement.


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